OTL Water Feature Expertise Brings Summertime Fun as Omaha’s Alaskan Adventure Splash Park Opens its Doors
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OTL craftsmanship made another splash this month as the Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium opened Alaskan Adventure, an interactive splash deck and water feature for children.
“For a lot of kids, it may be the best day of the year. School’s out, and the water park at the zoo is open,” said Zoo Director and CEO Dennis Pate in an interview with KETV Omaha.
The $14 million water feature is designed to help teach kids how Alaskan marine animals live and move in the wild. As kids play among the attraction’s 75 bronze sculptures, including an 18-foot Humpback whale, 30 jumping salmon, 25 puffins and 15 sea lions, they are learning about the animals in their own environment.
OTL completed the mechanical and electrical work for the whimsical water feature, which systematically sprays a mix of water and air through nozzles strategically arranged around the sculptures created by Nebraska’s Matthew Placzek.
“I think a long time ago we use to think of play as being frivolous, and it is actually really important,” said Pate as children frolicked and giggled in the distance.
The attraction offers kids both joy and learning opportunities as they play in the splash ground’s computerized water effects, which simulate splashes and sounds made by Alaskan sea animals as they breech, porpoise, splash, spray water from their blowholes, and emerge from or dive into the ocean.
Pate explained that after six years of planning, fundraising and construction, he couldn’t be happier with the finished product.
Alaskan Adventure is one of three zoological projects recently completed by OTL, which is nationally recognized for water feature expertise and for the design and construction of habitats that look and feel like the animal’s natural environment.
Read more about the Alaskan Adventure water feature project at Omaha, Nebraska’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium at https://www.ketv.com/news/alaskan-adventure-opens-its-doors-friday-at-omaha-zoo/39888290
If you would like to learn more about OTL’s zoo and aquarium expertise or how they make a nonviable environment into one that sustains life, contact OTL by email info@otl-inc.com or by telephone at 714.637.4747
More on the Alaskan Adventure
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